Monday, March 1, 2010 February!

The warm Spring-like weather of the past week has hastened the growth of everything, including the daffodils.

Our daffodils were planted with the March CSA delivery in mind, but alas, weather is weather, and you never know what will happen next. it's one of the joys of working with Mother Nature--you are always reminded of how powerless you are in the face of the greater forces of the universe...

Natalina has loved cutting flowers with me this week, and insisted on carrying the bucket...until she found a giant mud puddle in the field. Then it was up to me to do all the heavy lifting.

Update on Beet Street Gardens

From Katie at Beet Street:

Do you remember your first garden? Beet Street is going to bring first gardens to four organizations working with marginalized communities--a shelter for homeless teen mothers, a domestic violence shelter, a harm reduction organization working with sex workers, and (if funding allows) a shelter working to end homelessness for people living with psychiatric disabilities. We are raising funds on Kickstarter and have raised our minimum goal of $5,500. Yay!! This goal was set when we were planning three gardens. Additional funding will help us bring a garden to this fourth organization and help to increase the capacity of all our gardens. Also, the more funding we receive, the more we will be able to pursue entrepreneurial activities to move people and the future of the organization toward self-sustainability!!